Glassware Guide

The choice of a single malt whisky glass is more important than you may think. Whereas most drink glasses serve nothing more than to prevent your liquid from puddling onto your tabletop, a whisky glass is designed to maximize the senses of smell and taste of your malt. A good glass will be reasonably wide at the base to give the whisky a large surface area for the aroma to escape, and then taper off at the top of the glass in order to concentrate the aromas into your nose. Some glasses also have a lip that helps the malt reach the tip of your tongue. The proper glassware is as unique to the individual as the choice of whisky.
Perfect Dram or Mini-Glencairn
This is just a smaller and more pocketable version of the Glencairn. Perhaps it doesn’t make for a better drinking experience but it is better to travel with.
The NEAT Glass – Developed more recently, this glass is perhaps the most unique glass on the list. Its shape is designed to make nosing easier although it is also harder to get the last drop out. This glass is a love it or leave it, but definitely worth a try.
The Norlan Glass is the newest on the list. It is shaped on the inside similar (although not exactly) to a Glencairn, but it’s outside is more akin to a whisky tumbler.This is made for the person who want the function of a whisky glass but the feel of a more traditional glass. They also come in black for the truly blind tastings.
‘Classic’ Nosing Glass – Still the industry standard for the more traditional drinker. This will keep your smelly hand away from your nose but is easily breakable and not very portable.
Riedel Nosing Glass – This attractive glass is unfortunately easily broken and doesn’t concentrate the nose.
Whisky Tumbler – For people who don’t really care much for the whisky they are