ESPY House Bourbon Tasting w/ Todd Eichelberger
February 8, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

Located in historic Bedford, Pennsylvania. was built around 1771. At the time, it was considered one of the
most beautiful homes in all of Bedford. several famous Americans have occupied the house over the years,
but none more so than president George Washington. He used the house as his headquarters during the
Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. Today, the ESPY House is owned by Todd Eichelberger who was inspired so
much by the history of this historic location that he created a whiskey of superior taste and prestige to
commemorate the house and its historic inhabitants.
The ESPY House was named after colonel David Espy who was a very influential and prominent business
man and politician In Bedford, Pennsylvania during the late 1700’s. he was also a revolutionary war activist
who Aided troops with supplies and helped keep the peace in a highly volatile period of American history.
Is the owner of ESPY House Spirits LLC and of The Espy House (֊1771).
In 1794, congress repealed a tax on distilled spirits, but replaced it with a new one causing the onset of
what was later known as the “Whiskey Rebellion.” Western Pennsylvania residents were unceremoniously
informed that the new tax would be collected, by force if necessary. They felt the tax was unfair and
organized the first rebellion against the fledgling US government. President George Washington mobilized
12,950 troops from eastern Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey under general Harry Lee,
with the intent on quelling the rebellion and asserting the government’s authority to enact and enforce
laws. The rebellion ended with only minor confrontations and no loss of life.
1. ESPY HOUSE / ‘Washington’s Reserve No. One’ Straight Bourbon / NAS (7-Year) / Barrel
Proof 57-62% ABV (114-124-proof) / Single Barrel # 18 / IB: Espy House (Todd
Eichelberger) / Dist: Green River Distilling Co. (BBC) / USA (Bedford, PA)
2. ESPY HOUSE / ‘George 1794’ Straight Bourbon / NAS (7-Year) / 51% ABV (102-proof) /
IB: Espy House (Todd Eichelberger) / Dist: MGP (Lux) / USA (Bedford, PA)
3. LOT NO. 40 Canadian Rye Whisky / ‘Single Copper Still’ / NAS / 43% ABV (86-Prf) / OB:
Hiram Walker Dist / Brand Owner: Corby Distilleries & Pernod Ricard – Dist Owner:
Pernod Ricard S.A. / CANADA (Windsor, ON)
4. LEOPOLD BROS. Straight Bourbon / 5-Year / ‘Bottled-in-Bond’ / 50% ABV (100-Proof) /
NCF / OB: Leopold Brothers Dist / Dist Owner: Todd & Scott Leopold / USA (Denver, CO)
5. RIEGER’s Kansas City American Whiskey / NAS / 46% ABV (92-Proof) / OB: Jacob Rieger
& Company Distillery / Dist Owner: Messrs Rieger & Maybee / USA (Kansas City, MO)
6. DAD’S HAT Pennsylvania Straight Rye / NAS (4+ years) / 45% ABV (90-Proof) / OB: Dad’s
Hat Craft Distillery / Dist Owner: Mountain Laurel Spirits, LLC (Messrs Mihalich &
Cooper) / USA (Bristol, PA)