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Club: Los Angeles

Comandon with Franck Vigneron

April 3, 2019 @ 7:00 pm


Violet Cactus Venue
1813 W Verdugo
Burbank, CA 91506 United States
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Title for The Whisky: The Cognac and Brandy
1: Comandon VS Single Batch
2: Comandon VSOP Single Batch
3: Comandon XO Extra Single Batch
4: Comandon 2012 Cask #52
5: Comandon 2007 Cask #69
6: Monteru Cabernet Brandy
7: Monteru Chardonnay Brandy
8: Monteru Merlot Brandy
9: Monteru Sauvignon Blanc Brandy
10: Monteru French Brandy
11: Monteru ex-Sauternes Cask
12: Monteru Sherry Cask

Anyone remember the infamous Gnac Night of 2012?  Franck Vigneron is returning to Los Angeles to share his cognac and brandy.  Franck and Scotch Club have a great friendship because while we’re the single- maltiest club around, Comandon is the single-maltiest cognac.  The time-honored tradition of making cognac in France hasn’t changed much in hundreds of years.  Big companies release a VS, VSOP, XO… repeat next year.  Franck, however, saw the industry change for whisky drinkers in the new millennium, leaving blends for more unique selections.  So don’t expect your great great great grandfather’s cognac and brandy… get ready for something new.


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